Working together so that businesses can survive these difficult economic times in Rogers Park.
I was recently asked "What is your most important role in the Rogers Park community?"
I thought about the many organizations that I am currently a part of including the Willye B. White Park Advisory Council, The Rogers Park/West Ridge Historical Society, the Alden Village North Advisory Council and my efforts with the Citizens for the Adelphi Theater non-profit organization. I replied, "I think that I have accomplished the most good for our community as President of the Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce".
Founding the Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce has been an inspiring labor of love. All of the board members are small business owners or heads of local organizations. We are volunteers who in the best interest of our community, devote our time to preserving great local businesses and boosting Rogers Park business through any means possible. During our recent Unifying Rogers Park event, we connected businesses with clients and encouraged business owners to be vocal about their role in our community. The purpose of this event was
To introduce and refer our community to its local businesses and service organizations. To unify our efforts, to guide businesses, service organizations and individuals to establish new businesses and promote existing businesses within the Rogers Park community.
We feel strongly about and believe in our organization. We personally walk our neighborhood to visit every business in Rogers Park on a regular basis. If a struggling mom-and-pop shop needs a fundraiser, If a transporation hub or storefront needs to be cleared of snow, The Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce represents and supports Rogers Park business.
Bill Morton
President, Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce
(773) 850-0049