Rogers Park News
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Rogers Park News (Public Group) is the largest, and official place for news and conversation about Rogers Park and the 49th Ward, and for news that affects Rogers Park and the 49th Ward.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rogers Park ... Well, what can I say ?

I just finished my walk around Rogers Park. I do it twice a day, once in the afternoon, and once at night. I bring my camera along to take pictures of Rogers Park. Eventually, with all of the tear downs of the beautiful buildings that I used to take pictures of, the gangs took over the vacant, fenced in lots. Graffiti appeared and soon I noticed that it was no longer contained within the tear downs. It was everywhere.

Witnessing this outbreak opened my eyes to other Rogers Park decay such as the prostitution, drug deals, corruption, brutality and violence. It happens every day in Rogers Park, and I'm going to show you the photographic evidence here.

...Because a photo doesn't lie.